
So today I was walking and I came up with a new song.
It goes something like this

Am walking and thinking
And thinking and walking
And walking and thinking

I did not say it was a great song, it was just a song.
So as I was thinking about thinking I thought: Do we really have to think?
Like sometimes I seat down and think today for breakfast I'd like to have some Spanish omelette, a side of bacon and ham with some fresh juice and coffee, then I end up having some KDF and tea.
Or some times I think I would love to wear a deep purple bandage dress with a sweetheart neckline and some fabulous heels, then I end up wearing jeans, a top and sport shoes.
Because its all I have in my closet and because they are the only clean clothes I have at the moment.
Or sometimes I think I would love to go out and buy new clothes or just read some more books and I end up sleeping all day.
You see how thinking can be a waste of time?
Do you feel like you could be doing something better with your time? Like just sleeping or meditating?
I will let you think about that.
Think about thinking.
