How to Deal with Anger

So yeah sometimes I get angry.
At the remote for not working.
At my bed for keeping me in there long after the alarm has rang.
Sometimes it is at people for letting me down.
Or at myself for letting other people down or even letting myself down.
Or even at missed opportunities that were not just not for me.
Then this anger starts building up in me until I do not know what to do with it.
It is not until after I deal with it that I start feeling better.
Those who know me, know I am not a great Bible person, but what it says most of the time makes sense to me and to almost everyone. One verse in there says that we should not sleep angry.
Anger is normal, it is often as a result of of frustration or feeling blocked or thwarted.
You feel angry, I feel angry, almost every day, but letting it build up is not the best for anyone. It eats you up inside.
So in a quest to help you and me dispense our anger in forms that do not hurt us, I am going to tell you what I do when I get angry.

This has literally saved my life in more than one occasion when I would have burnt very important bridges. I took up running because it gives me time to think about actions before I take them or words before I say them.
Running is great you get to outrun all that energy and adrenaline you have in your body when you are angry.
So one day when we are talking or you are shouting at me and I take off running, just wait there I will be back in thirty minutes with a very diplomatic answer that we will both be happy with.

Hitting the shit out of stuff
No not people.
Do not hit people.
Sometimes I get a piece of wood and hit my bed so hard that I feel if it was human it would bleed. That helps me, especially right before I sleep.

I go outside or lock myself in the bathroom and scream my heart out until my voice code is sour and I cannot think straight.

One thing I picked up to help with the "anger issues" that I do not have is boxing, it is a great stress relief that comes in the same category as hitting shit out of stuff, and the best part is that it works out your core.
Isn't that just the awesomest? I love it too.

Okay I know you think meditation and all you picture is of Budha seated with legs crossed over, humming.
This is a great position to seat in but other people like mwah we just sleep on the ground and clear our mind.
Granted ten out of eleven times I fall asleep but I wake up refreshed.
Just take fifteen minutes of your time to clear your mind of all the obstacles or things bothering you. Play your favorite song, close your eyes and meditate.
Thank me later.

For all those my friends who are super fit, Salute.
But yoga is not just bending yourself out of shape even if you are not fit, there are yoga out there for beginners. Better yet there is yoga for anger management that just teaches you to breath.
How cool is that?

Last but not least anger is often as a result of certain triggers, so you should avoid those triggers.
Then deal with the underlying problem before one day it gets out of control.

That is all for today.
