Death Trap

I still consider my mode of commute to work a death trap.
Basically it is a metal, tent material slapped together with a motorbike engine on 3 wheels.
We call it tuk tuk personally I call it shakeology 101.
This is because as it moves it keeps vibrating and God forbid you move to a bumpy road, more than one's I have thought I am leaving my boobs behind.
I would not call it a car because basically if an accident occurs and it topples over, you would just get out and lift it up and continue with your journey.
This has actually happened to my brother one's.
I always think that this is one of the cars that if it were in the same path as a trailer, they would be ran over and we would be scoped out from the pavement with a spoon.
Whats worse is that basically we should be 4 people in the car but somehow we end up fitting 7 people. Reminds me of a weightloss bootcamp, not pretty and not comfortable but as one sign said one day, "songea mwenzako starehe ni kwako au kwa wheelbarrow."
Basically a rude way of telling you,"woman buy your own car."
As I i am seating in a weird position and I feel my hip and hand pressed up on the metal bar I am seriously considering it.
When I see well dressed older people in this rickshaw with me am like what the hell are you doing, your kids need you.
Me I am allowed to climb the stupid car because I am still 'young' and in my yolo perspective i basically have nine lives.
Like a cat.
A cute fluffy white cat called Dr. Fluffy Boots.
